It is 2008 - Halloween is supposed to be about fun, not evil and even though I went to a religious school, Halloween was never once confused as being a satan worshipping holiday. It was a day to get dressed up in a fun costume and collect candy. The end. We wore costumes put together at home, not purchased at the store. In fact, the children who purchased their costumes were considered uncreative and...well, boring. Fear not, non-sewing mothers! It takes no sewing skills at all to put together a convincing, adorable hobo costume for your tike. It also takes little to no sewing skills to put together a costume of your child's favorite character - seriously. A little creativity is all that is needed and remember: velcro is your friend.
Unfortunately, this holiday is quickly turning into the same mess that Christmas has become. The advertising begins earlier and earlier every year with 'must have' items featured tantilizingly for your children to whine about. The glut of candy available is almost as sickening as the displays for Christmas along with a revolting array of home decorating items.

Here is what you need to have a fun and safe Halloween:
$3.00 pumpkin with a face carved or drawn on it. They decompose nicely so be sure to add it to your compost pile after Halloween.
Couple of bags of candy - when it runs out turn off the light.
Home made costume - Goodwill is an excellent source and use your imagination.
Flashlight - no I am not kidding.
Hot chocolate and popcorn for when you come back home.
Limit the trick or treating to a handful of houses that belong to people you know and plan to watch a movie afterward to encourage your dumplings that goodies await them. Also, since Halloween is on a Friday night this year, if you are planning a party please do not forget the pinata. I have yet to find a group of children that does not love a pinata. (These, too, can be made at home - it isn't difficult but start now because they take a while to dry. Also don't fuss too much about the shape. I promise that the kids don't care as long as candy pours out of it.)
Have fun, be safe, but mostly don't go broke or fear this fun holiday!
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