Thursday, March 27, 2008
Gimundo Canada: Students Wear Pink to Stop School Bullying
The poor boy paid dearly for his fashion choice: A group of older students mocked him relentlessly, threatening to beat him up.
The incident might have served as a warning for other males at the school to avoid anything in pastels. But instead, two senior boys, David Shepherd and Travis Price, took up the bullied boy's cause as a rallying cry.
"Kids don't need this in their lives, worrying about what to wear to school," Price told The Chronicle Herald. "That should be the last thing on their minds."
The two seniors were sick of the abuse – so they came up with a plan to make the bullies see red. Or rather, pink.
The following day, the two boys came to school armed with a pile of 75 pink tank tops, which they handed out to all of the male students to wear – including the bullied freshman. As word of their mission spread through the school, more students showed up wearing something pink of their own. Shepherd and Price estimated that around half of the school's 830 students put on something pink in solidarity.
"The bullies got angry," Chase said. "One guy was throwing chairs (in the cafeteria). We're glad we got the response we wanted."
The stunt proved so popular, in fact, that it's led to an official Anti-Bullying Day in Nova Scotia on the second Thursday of every school year. British Columbia has recently adopted their own version, on February 27th of each year. For both holidays, students are encouraged to dress in pink to show acceptance of their fellow students, proving that there's nothing wrong with showing your true colors after all.
Original here
Stop lying to yourself and people will start believing
People are tricking themselves, I think if everyone starts looking inside of themselves they will find that they can find happiness and more importantly TRUE Happiness and success. People stop lying to yourself.
9 People Who Did It Anyway
When you tell someone they can’t do something, it often serves as a motivation to prove you’re wrong, and disabled people are no exception. Of course, that’s not the only reason they do exactly what they are supposedly not able to do. Some want to prove their abilities to themselves only, some want to set an example or help others, some do what they are good at, and some just do what they love.
Dustin Carter
Dustin Carter contracted a blood disease that cost him parts of all four limb when he was very young. In the eighth grade, he joined the school wrestling team, although no one expected him to excel. And he didn’t for a long time. But hard work and discipline paid off in his senior year. Last month, Carter represented his school at the Ohio state wrestling championships. He placed in the top 16 of his weight class. Watch Carter wrestle in this video.
Lacey Henderson
Lacey Henderson’s right leg was amputated when she was nine years old due to a tumor in her kneecap. But at her mother’s suggestion, she tried out to become a cheerleader in high school. Not only did she make the team, but she worked her way up to captain! Now she’s 18 and cheers for the University of Denver.
Eli Bowen
Eli Bowen was born in 1844 with feet attached directly to his pelvis. In other words, he had no legs. He developed strong arms doing farm work and training to start the career of his dreams. At age 13, he became a professional acrobat! His acrobatic act showcased his strength, but he was also known for his handsome appearance. Although he became wealthy, he never retired, continuing to perform until his death in 1924.
Dave Heeley
Dave Heeley was born visually impaired, but his eyesight deteriorated further until he was classified as blind in his twenties. Now 50, Heeley will take up the Seven Magnificent Marathons challenge and run marathons on seven continents in seven days. April 7th through the 13th, Dave and his sighted running partner Malcolm Carr will run in Port Stanley, Falkland Islands, Santiago, Los Angeles, Sydney, Dubai, Tunis, and London. Heeley is in it for his favorite cause, The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association.
Erik Weihenmayer
Erik Weihenmayer lost his vision when he was 13 years old. He went on to become a middle school teacher, a wrestling coach, and a world-class athlete. In 2001, Weihenmayer became the first blind person to reach the summit of Mount Everest. The next year, he completed the Seven Summits -the highest mountain on each of the seven continents. Weihenmayer is leading others, too. In 2004 he took a group of blind Tibetans up a Himalayan peak, an adventure that was recorded in a documentary called Blindsight. (image credit: Jonathan Chester)
Ludwig von Beethoven
Ludwig von Beethoven became deaf gradually, beginning in his twenties. He considered it a great tragedy and shame, and was loathe to admit it to those around him. He was profoundly deaf by his mid-forties, but kept composing using a rod to transfer sound from a piano to his jaw.
Porter Ellett
Porter Ellett of Bicknell, Utah lost his arm in an accident when he was four years old. He became a star basketball player for Wayne High School, leading the team to the state playoffs. But that’s not all, he also plays on the baseball team and runs track, too! See a video report here.
Mark Goffeney
Mark Goffeney was born without arms, but always wanted to be a musician. He started out playing trombone, but realized his calling in playing guitar with his feet. He founded the band Big Toe in 1992. You can hear music and see videos of Goffeney’s performances at his MySpace page. (image credit:
John Bramblitt
John Bramblitt became blind gradually, possibly due to a seizure disorder. He didn’t realize how bad his vision had become until he was past legally blind. Bramblitt never painted before he lost his sight. He admits it “seemed a way of shoving my disability right back in the face of God, or nature, or whatever.” Now a graduate of the University of North Texas, Bramblitt is set to attend Toulouse School of Graduate Studies. A video report on his art won the 2007 YouTube Award last week in the Inspirational category.
What is most impressive about these stories of uncommon people is how common they are. The majority of the stories here have been in the news very recently. Each is one more step in changing the world’s perception of the disabled.
The ultimate identity theft: house stealing
Not quite worried enough that identity thieves might empty your bank account or ruin your credit rating with a shopping spree in your name?
The FBI says those concerns are small spuds compared to what might happen when crooks parlay identity theft and mortgage fraud into "a totally new kind of crime: house stealing."
... The con artists start by picking out a house to steal - say, YOURS.
... Next, they assume your identity - getting a hold of your name and personal information (easy enough to do off the Internet) and using that to create fake IDs, social security cards, etc.
... Then, they go to an office supply store and purchase forms that transfer property.
... After forging your signature and using the fake IDs, they file these deeds with the proper authorities, and lo and behold, your house is now THEIRS.
Sometimes it will be an empty house or vacation home, sometimes the thieves will work their schemes while the homeowner and their families go on about their normal everyday lives, says the FBI.
The Justice Department details one such case in this press release.
Although the FBI says mortgage fraud is "pervasive and growing," the combination of identity theft and mortgage fraud -- this so-called house stealing -- is "not too common at this point."
(No word in the press release about those who might welcome having their houses stolen, given the disparity between what they owe and what the homes are worth. ... Yes, I'm kidding.)
Sleep tight.
Welcome regulars and passersby. Here are a few more recent Buzzblog items. And, if you'd like to receive Buzzblog via e-mail newsletter, here's where to sign up.
He called my teen-age daughters slutty. ... Should I hit him?
No PR purge here, says Hannaford security vendor.
Mark Cuban keeps digging ... digging ... digging.
Just using Facebook gets this guy dragged into Wikileaks case.
In defense of Caller-ID spoofing.
Stallman on handing over GNU Emacs, its future and the importance of nomenclature.
Google renames the Persian Gulf.
Get $500 just for going on a job interview. (No, really.)
Top 10 Buzzblog posts for '07: Verizon's there, of course, along with Gates, Wikipedia and the guy who lost a girlfriend to Blackberry's blackout.
International Dance Party: Instant Disco in a Box Creates Infinite Party Loop

There's an LED sign that displays a message in 20 languages: That message is simply "Dance to Start the Party". And the more intense the party gets, the greater the effects, eventually culminating in a light show with disco ball, lasers, siren, ground effects and fog, creating an infinite loop of more fog, more techno, more siren, and therefore more dancing, and then the radar picks it up and then you've got more disco, and then more fog, and then more techno, and then more dance I'm so tired I can't stop partying my legs won't stop feeling the beat. After everyone collapses, the box returns to its docile flight case status.
International Dance Party! The full length video of this crazy and funny party machine! from Niklas Roy on Vimeo.
Video of BigDog Beta Quadruped Robot Is So Stupid It's Hilarious

Peter Furia: The BigDog Beta itself is Beau and me in black tights and turtlenecks.
JD: Why?
PF: This video was just for fun, as was our popular music video "Mac or PC" but Seedwell is our newly created viral marketing company. It was co-founded by David Fine, Beau Lewis and myself. We produce content both for fun and for hire. We are also currently working on viral video campaigns for several other companies, and look forward to working with more and more companies as the demand for creative, viral content increases.
I don't know about their other videos, but if they are this good, these guys are gold. Let's see how viral this one gets.