Sunday, March 2, 2008
It's behind you!: The amazing moment a couple had a close encounter with a humpback whale
But they got rather more than they bargained for when a mighty humpback whale suddenly surged from the depths and shot towards the sky.
Lucky to see one of nature's most impressive sights, they were even luckier not to be swamped by the huge splash when the whale crashed back on to the surface.
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These extraordinary images show one couple calmly watching one of these giants of the sea as it raises its fin.
But when it suddenly slaps it down - sending a wall of spray towards them - they realise how vulnerable they are and think better of their proximity.
Digging in their paddles, they turn away. But the whale becomes increasingly boisterous, this time "breaching" the surface.
Clearly alarmed, the holidaymakers paddle desperately towards the shore.
In another dramatic encounter, an astonished couple see a humpback soar up out of the water, its vast bulk - they normally weigh up to 35 tons - dwarfing them.
It then twists in the air towards them before crashing down just yards away.
The kayakers had headed off the coast of Maui, where the mammals gather to give birth and nurse their calves in the warm, shallow waters of the archipelago.
It is estimated that two thirds of the entire North Pacific population of humpback whales migrate to Hawaii each winter.
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Scientists are unsure exactly why humpbacks leap out of the sea.
Some argue it is to scrape skin parasites off their barnacle-encrusted bodies, others that they are simply jumping for joy.
Their numbers dropped drastically with the onset of mechanised whaling, and it is only recently that the population has begun to edge back up to an estimated figure of 35,000.
So every sighting like the ones shown here truly is a gift from the seas.
GQ Magazine Creates New Viral called Ideal man
Straight out of DDB, Paris comes this great new viral vieo for GQ magazine. Absolutely Hilarious..!
This was directed by Les Minis Vegas aka “Minivegas” out of La Pac Films.. To check out more of Les Minis Vegas’s work go to Lap Pac Films website here
Original hereSkywalkers in Korea Cross Han Solo
SEOUL, South Korea -- They came from all over the world, poles in hand, and feet ready to inch more than half a mile across a high wire strung over the Han River in a spine-tingling battle of balance, speed and high anxiety.
As part of its annual city festival, the South Korean capital staged Thursday what was billed as the world's first high-wire championship, drawing 18 contestants from nine countries for three days of supreme feats of concentration.
Each acrobat must navigate the 1.2-inch-thick wire that spans the river, with the top prize of $15,000 going to the person crossing it fastest.
The contestants _ 14 men and four women _ include such masters of the high wire as Jade Kindar-Martin of Shelburne, Vt., a former Cirque du Soleil performer who once crossed London's River Thames at a height of 150 feet, and Colombia's Alan Martinez, who ambled across the Amazon.
They will face Adili Wuxiuer of China _ the world record-holder for distance who walked on a wire nearly a half-mile across the Chongqing Cliff at a height of 2,250 feet in 2003.
Organizers in Seoul said stringing the wire across the Han made it the longest-ever such high wire, meaning anyone making it across will break the record for distance.
The iron cable was supported by 72-foot-high towers on either bank of the river. A safety net was deployed under the sections of the wire over the riverbanks; otherwise the walkers faced a plunge into the swirling gray water.
Alexey Marchenko of Russia was one of two competitors who lost his balance and fell into the river Thursday with only 164 feet to go. Some in the crowd screamed as he splashed loudly into the Han, followed about a second later by his pole.
Damp and disqualified, Marchenko appeared unhurt as he chatted with rescuers in a motor boat that had scooped him from the water. All the contestants wore life vests.
The main wire _ with yellow flags every 82 feet _ was supported by stabilizing lines to keep it from swaying sideways, but it sagged under its weight across the middle of the river, meaning the drop to the water was actually much lower.
Thursday's first competitor _ Kwon Won-tae of South Korea _ glided across the wire to the cheers and applause of hundreds of people on each bank of the river that bisects Seoul.
Kwon, a famous tightrope walker in South Korea, flinched when his balance was disrupted by the wind and birds before completing the walk in 17 minutes and 7 seconds.
South Korea has a tradition of tightrope walking going back centuries, but the skill has recently experienced a renaissance after last year's hit film "King and the Clown," which featured a troupe of entertainers who became court jesters. In the movie, Kwon was a stand-in for the lead actor in tightrope walking scenes.
In the Korean tradition, tightrope walkers use fans to maintain balance and also perform jumps and somersaults _ while even cracking jokes to amuse their audience.
There was no such high-wire high jinks Thursday as Kwon maintained a swiftly controlled pace and look of serious determination.
"It's amazing. I am too shaken to speak. I feel like it was myself out there," said Song Won-sun, a businessman watching the event. "I am just worried that the wind will disturb the contestants."
Fastest across Thursday was Abdusataer Dujiabudula of China, who seemed to dance over the wire as he finished in about 11 minutes. His loose-fitting red and gold costume fluttered in the breeze, and he high-fived a man on the high platform as he finished.
"It feels very good. It feels all right. It was very tight," he said, adding that he got tired about two-thirds of the way across.
Pedro Carrillo of Reno, Nev., said it would be "something very big" for him to complete such a distance. The 60-year-old acrobat has been wire-walking for 43 years.
"I feel the wind, that's all I worry about," said Carrillo. "But I think I can keep going once I start."
And so he did, completing the walk in 17 minutes and 7 seconds _ the same time as Kwon.
The winner of the competition will be announced Saturday.