
Sunday, June 8, 2008

Class of '08 to principal: 'Let's call it a wrap'

MySpace generation, yes. Camera phones at the ready, yes. But, when it came time to actually execute their farewell salute to Principal Dan Costello, the Killingly High School Class of 2008 went decidedly low-tech -- as in plastic wrap and post-it notes.

As you can see, the results are a classic. (The photo started making the rounds yesterday and landed here via a friend of Costello's who works at Network World.)

This prank was a conspiracy, the principal (himself a blogger) tells me in an e-mail.

"I was in a meeting when one of the secretaries burst into my office and said, 'Dan, there is a fight in the parking lot!' So I raced out to there and immediately saw my car, but I was really looking for some fighting students. When I noticed all the students and teachers standing around laughing at me, I finally caught on."

Located in Danielson, Conn., Killingly High School has 800 students and a graduating class of 175.

So how long did it take to unwrap the car?

"Fortunately, not too long. I was aided by a few sophomores ... but all they talked about was how they were going to, do a much better prank when they were seniors. It's a little disturbing to think that they have already begun planning."

Original here

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