
Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Insane Histories of the Worlds 6 Tiniest Nations

Do you ever get the urge to just start your own country, with your own damned rules?

Well, some people actually do it. All it takes is a small, uninhabited piece of land you can claim (though it helps to also be completely insane, or to have balls the size of watermelons).


This little country is located in an abandoned World War II sea fort, called Fort Roughs. It's six miles off the coast of Suffolk, England. The habitable area is just what you see in the picture, but they claim 12 sea miles around the place. Population:
Supposedly, 27. We can't see how they'd fit, though.

Official site:

The country:
Paddy Roy Bates was a man with a dream. His dream did not involve a naked Evangeline Lily and the Swedish chef from The Muppets, as ours do, but instead involved having his own pirate radio station. So, he took over Rough Towers, an abandoned fort which is beyond UK territorial waters. Then he forgot all about pirate radios and declared the place to be his own country.

Roy, his family, and his helicopter of doom.

Shortly after Roy moved in, Ronan O'Rahilly, who had claimed Rough Towers before Roy, sent his men on a boat to kick Roy out. Roy, a firm believer of "Finders Keepers," managed to defend his little kingdom with, according to Wikipedia, petrol bombs, gunfire and something scientists call "lunatic strength."

In 1968, the Royal Navy entered Sealand's waters to fix a navigational buoy. Roy was going to have none of that shit. Michael, Roy's son, fired warning shots at the workmen. Here's our dramatic reenactment:

Workman 1: "Fancy a beer after fixing this buoy?"
Workman 2: "There is some bloke in that abandoned sea fort, look!"
Workman 1: "I wonder what he is doing up there. Is that a bloody gun?"
Workman2: "That cunt is mental, run!"

Understandably, Roy's royal presence was summoned to court in England to figure out what the hell that was all about. The courts ruled that Sealand was not part of England and Roy could do whatever he wanted there. Mighty England had been defeated by a man and his dream. And his petrol bombs and lunatic strength.

At this point you have to think only a unique type of moron would dare to mess with Roy. Meet Alexander G. Achenbach, prime minister of Sealand, who revolted and took Michael as his hostage. Oh, shit! Suffice to say, Alexander's coup ended with Roy coming back in his helicopter with a crack team of mercenaries. He took over the island and kicked all the idiots out. There is not much information about Roy's mercenaries, but we like to think they were Vietnam veterans on the run from the law for a crime they didn't commit.

Fun Fact:
Alexander Achenbach and his exiled government has this website where they complain about it and presumably await the day they can seize power once again.

The Kingdom of Redonda
A tiny island southwest of Antigua, only one square mile in size.

Zero--even the kings (yes, four of them) of Redonda prefer to live elsewhere. The only beings of notice on the island are seagulls and a feral flock of goats; and the goats only stay because they can't build boats to escape.

Official site:
As a part of the power struggle over this tiny piece of worthless land, the four "kings" have each made their own site:

The Redonda Foundation -- operated by King Leo I.
Kingdom of Redonda -- operated by King Robert aka "Bob the Bald".
Javier Marias' site--operated by King Javier.

Actually, the other self-proclaimed king, Max Legget, has not bothered to make his own website yet, which probably disqualifies him for the throne.

The country:
Christopher Columbus discovered the island in 1493 and named it Santa Maria la Redonda (meaning "Saint Mary the round") and that's all we know before the history of this proud uninhabited nation turns into legend, fiction and drunken lies. Back in Queen Victoria's days, a guy named Matthew Dowdy Shiell claimed himself as king. Over the generations the kingship was given away and sold several times to people who loved the idea of putting "King" on their business card.

Right now, four men claim to be the rightful king of this shitty island.

King Bob the Bald, and his bald spot

You may think we say "shitty" as an insult, in which case you are half right, because it is also an accurate description. It's biggest export is shit (Guano, to be exact). Over 7,000 tons of shit came out of Redonda every year until operations ended in World War I.

Fun Fact:
For 35 US dollars you can join King Robert's navy and help him defend the island and its shit from evil invaders. It's up to you if you want to give the guy $35 for the honor of deterring imaginary threats to an island of shit. You must provide your own boat.

Recently, the Wellington Arms Pub in Southampton, England, attempted to declare themselves an embassy of the Kingdom of Redonda, in order to gain diplomatic immunity from a nation wide ban on smoking. Sadly, they did not get this status. Prime Minister Goat declared "Baaaaaaaah" when reached for comments and tried to eat the microphone (source: Wikipedia).

Freetown Christiania

About 85 acres somewhere in Copenhagen, Denmark.


Official site:

The country:
Christiania was founded in 1971 when five people took over an abandoned military installation as a form of protest against the Danish government, which was blamed for the lack of affordable housing at the time. While we were not there, we can calculate that at least four of them thought of using the phrase "Killing two birds with one stone," while discussing the idea (or as they say in Denmark, "Killing two birds with one stone." Only they in Danish).

Since then, more people have moved in and the place has been going by its own rules under the principles of anarchy, communism and the hippie movement--except for the time when Denmark decided to use their rules on them. On those occasions, they live under the principles of being hit in the head with a big stick by a policeman. The national pastime is yoga, although we hear the second most popular pastime, checking out movies that are more fun to watch while stoned, is quickly gaining popularity.

The primary export is drugs, making Christiania a fun-sized version of Colombia but without the perpetual state of civil war... unless you count the Danish police doing raids once in a while, or the occasional drug-related murder. OK, so it's very much like Colombia. The drug of choice is pot, though, and hard drugs like heroin and cocaine are illegal, because drug overdose was their version of the black plague for a while there.

Uncountable police raids and street gangs trying to take over the pot market have plagued Christiania since its beginnings, but nothing can compare to the riots that occurred in 2007 when the police demolished a building in Christiania. Christianites, fearing the police might like it too much and decide to go knocking down buildings like a drunken Godzilla, counterattacked with fireworks, Molotov cocktails and a bucket full of piss and feces that ended up on the head of the police commander.

Fun Fact:
Christiania does have a flag, but it doesn't have a coat of arms, so we hope they like the one we made up for them up there. The yellow represents the piss in the bucket, the pot represents the pot, and the light blue looked pretty, so we put it there.


It's a group of small islands in the English Channel, about three miles long and a half-mile wide.

600ish, give or take.

Official site:

The country:
Imagine one day that your dog returns home with a cat on a leash, and the cat has a little mouse on a leash too. Let's all imagine that, because it's really, really cute when you think about it. Oh, before we forget, Sark is the mouse. Sark is a dependency of the Bailiwick of Guernsey (another place you know nothing about), which in turn is a dependency of England (which you might have heard of), which in turn is part of the United Kingdom (you might know it as UK), even though Guernsey and Sark are not part of the UK and we have no clue how that works.

Sark has been many things since the 13th century: a haven for pirates, a monastic community, and then a haven for pirates again. Now that we think about it, that's not many things. Anyway, Queen Elizabeth I, tired of pirates, allowed 40 families to move onto the islands on the condition that they would stab any idiot in the balls who uttered "YARRRR!" even if he was just doing it ironically.

Sark and the rest of Guernsey did not do very well in WWII, when the Germans took over the whole place. Although, the ruler of Sark at the time demanded the Germans to sign in as visitors and they did. But, the people of Sark showed their bravery in 1991 when the French attacked them. And by "the French" we mean unemployed French nuclear physicist Andre Gardes, who tried to take over the island by himself with an automatic weapon. The invasion ended when the local constable approached him and asked him how his awesome gun worked. Andre began to show him and that's when the fire brigade jumped from behind (source: Wikipedia).

Fun Fact:
Sark is one of the last feudal countries in Europe, and some of its laws seem to come from the medieval guide to complete nuttery. For instance: only the Seigneur of Sark is allowed to keep pigeons or an unspayed bitch, newcomers to the island cannot live in houses built before 1976 and divorce is illegal. Although, there have been some advances. The people no longer need the seigneur's permission to get married, the annual payment of a live chicken to the seigneur is now optional yet still delicious, and women can inherit land since 1999.

Michael Beaumont, the Seigneur of Sark. Not pictured: unspayed bitch.

The Aerican Empire

Here, there and everywhere. The Aerican Empire claims the following territories:

*A house in Montreal that doubles as the empire's capital and embassy to the rest of the world.
*A square kilometer of Australia called Chompsville and an adjacent territory called Psyche.
*An island in New Zealand called Retsaot.
*One square mile of the surface of planet Mars.
*The northern half of ex-planet Pluto.
*A cow pasture in the American Midwest that's location nobody seems quite sure of.
*The planet Verden, which doesn't exist.

Around 120 citizens.

Official site:

The country:
You may think this entire empire is just a joke or started as one, and that's because you did not kill your brain by drinking lead paint when you were a baby (congratulations, by the way). The empire was founded in 1987 by the current Emperor, Eric Lis, and some of his pals who were all five-years-old at the time. In its humble, intergalactic beginnings the empire was just a joke between friends but, in our globalized, internet-connected world, crazy people inspire other people and that's how thing like the furries and bukkake got rolling. An older Emperor Eric learned about micronations like Sealand and Christiania and said "Hey! I can do that too, and without leaving home or getting my own land!" One website later, citizens began to join the made up interplanetary empire.

Emperor Eric Lis, who couldn't find a friend who had a camera with a flash.

Fun Fact:
The national religion is Silinism, the worship of the Great Penguin, where humor is considered sacred. And may the Great Penguin help us, it actually has serious practitioners.

The Republic of Molossia

Somewhere around Dayton, Nevada. It also has a colony in Southern California and a protectorate in the north east of the US, about 14 acres total.


Official site:

The country:
According to them, they are a nation as recognized in the Montevideo convention. According to the state of Nevada, "No, no you're not."

Molossia began as the Grand Republic of Vuldstein, back in 1977. James Spielman was crowned King and Kevin Baugh was declared Prime Minister. Back then Molossia didn't have any territory or much to do so the King got bored and probably decided to go for saner hobbies than starting his own nation. Prime Minister Baugh, on the other hand, carried on. In 1998 land was purchased in Nevada and finally Molossia had some territory to call its own. Kevin Baugh then declared himself dictator and rules over his family with an iron fist; so he is like your dad, but with a fancy uniform.

President Kevin Baugh and his fancy uniform

Molossia has its own online store. We have no clue if the Authentic Molossian Pedigreed Pet Rocks are their biggest seller, but if they are, they should be ashamed of themselves. You can also purchase Molossian money, called Valora, which is linked in value to Pillsbury cookie dough. The coins look like repainted poker chips, so if you want to waste your money, Molossia is the place!

The Molossian homepage has a very detailed account of the mock war they had with the neighbor micronation of Mustachistan, but intentionally stupid wars are no fun, so we are going to talk about the Dead Dog War.

In 1999, some people, unaware of what they were getting into, buried their dead dog in Molossian territory. Baugh quickly mobilized his army (his thirteen-year-old son), who annoyed the intruders until they removed their dead dog and buried it elsewhere. And they should consider themselves lucky. If they had tried to give the dog a Viking funeral near Sealand, Roy would have mobilized General Pain and Major Trouble, which is what he calls his fists, right into their faces and buried the dog, Viking ship and all, up their asses, because that's how Roy rolls.

Fun Fact:
Molossia has a space program, and by that we mean they have a store-bought telescope and some toy rockets with a camera attached to them. We have to admit that looks like fun.

To laugh at crazy people from real foreign countries, check out this video round-up of The 10 Most Insane Moments from the European Version of American Idol or, check out the most disturbing video yet to appear on the Daily Nooner. Not surprisingly, it's from Japan.

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Unfortunate Naming...[PICS]

Unfortunate Naming.

I question the authenticity of some of these. I mean, come on...If your last name is Beaver, and the last name of the person you're marrying is Wetter, would nobody at the wedding object to the marriage? My personal favorite is Hardy-Harr. If you have anymore, please send the to us using the submit button at the top of the page.

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Operation Snow White: Scientology vs The US Government

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Grand Jury Charges, Introduction, "United States of America v. Mary Sue Hubbard", United States District Court for the District of Columbia, 1979.
Grand Jury Charges, Introduction, "United States of America v. Mary Sue Hubbard", United States District Court for the District of Columbia, 1979.

Operation Snow White was the Church of Scientology's name for a project during the 1970s to purge unfavorable records about Scientology and its founder L. Ron Hubbard. This project included a series of infiltrations and thefts from 136 government agencies, foreign embassies and consulates, as well as private organizations critical of Scientology, carried out by Church members; the single largest infiltration of the United States government in history with up to 5,000 covert agents. This was also the operation that exposed 'Operation Freakout', due to the fact that this was the case that brought the government into investigation on the Church.[1][2]

Under this program, Scientology operatives committed infiltration, wiretapping, and theft of documents in government offices, most notably those of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. Eleven highly-placed Church executives, including Mary Sue Hubbard (wife of founder L. Ron Hubbard and second-in-command of the organization), pled guilty or were convicted in federal court of obstructing justice, burglary of government offices, and theft of documents and government property. The case was United States vs. Mary Sue Hubbard et al., 493 F. Supp. 209 (D.D.C. 1979).



[edit] Background

The "Snow White Program" was written by L. Ron Hubbard [3] as an attempt to reduce or eliminate unfavorable reports on Scientology, the Church of Scientology, and Hubbard himself, especially those held by government agencies such as the U.S. Internal Revenue Service and organizations such as Interpol. Hubbard himself was named by federal prosecutors as an "unindicted co-conspirator" for his part in the operation; extensive records of his involvement exist, though many Scientologists claim his directives were misinterpreted by his followers. [4][5]

Scientology documents known as "Snow White Operating Targets" describe the agencies to be targeted. Other planned elements of the operation included petitioning governments and the United Nations to charge government critics of Scientology with genocide, on the theory that official criticism of the group constituted "deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction".[6]

[edit] Results of the investigation

FBI raids on Scientology properties in 1977 not only turned up documentation of the group's illegal activities against the United States government, but also illegal activities carried out against other perceived enemies of Scientology, such as "Operation Freakout", a conspiracy to frame author Paulette Cooper on false bomb-threat charges, and conspiracies to frame Gabe Cazares, mayor of Clearwater, Florida, on false hit-and-run charges.[7]

[edit] Involved parties

Mary Sue Hubbard, Cindy Raymond, Gerald Bennett Wolfe, Henning Heldt, Duke Snider, Gregory Willardson, Richard Weigand, Mitchell Herman, Sharon Thomas, Jane Kember, and Mo Budlong, all high-ranking Scientologists, were convicted and sent to prison for five years, while Kendrick Moxon was listed as an "unindicted co-conspirator" for providing false handwriting samples to the FBI.[1] As of 1999, Moxon is Scientology’s lead in-house attorney.[1] L. Ron Hubbard himself was named by federal prosecutors as an "unindicted co-conspirator."[5]

[edit] Effect of the scandal

The Church has been notably reluctant to discuss the operation's details; typical statements by members and operatives are often vague comments saying that the Guardian's Office (GO) had been "infiltrated" and "set up" to fail in its mission to protect the Church, that those involved were "purged" from the Church, without detailing what actually happened (although it has been suggested many of those involved and "purged" remained in important positions of power within the church).[8] Church spokespersons on the Internet and elsewhere have been known to claim the operatives were convicted of "stealing photocopy paper."[9]

[edit] Effects in Canada

As a result of documents stolen from public and private agencies in Canada and information on other covert activities found as evidence collected in the Operation Snow White case[10][11], investigations into the Church of Scientology in Ontario were started. This eventually resulted in a large police raid of the Church of Scientology in Toronto, 3 March to 4 March 1983. The R. v. Church of Scientology of Toronto case began 1991-04-23[12], resulting in seven members being convicted, and two convictions of criminal Breach of the Public Trust against the church itself.[13]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b Ortega, Tony. "Double Crossed", Phoenix New Times, New Times Media, 1999-12-23. Retrieved on 2006-06-12.
  2. ^ Mystery of the Vanished Ruler. TIME (1983-01-31). Retrieved on 2007-08-10.
  3. ^ Miller, Russell (1987). Bare-faced Messiah, The True Story of L. Ron Hubbard. Henry Holt & Co. ISBN 0-8050-0654-0.
  4. ^ Marshall, John. "Hubbard still gave orders, records show", The Globe and Mail, 1980-01-24. Retrieved on 2006-09-14. (archived at
  5. ^ a b Robert W. Welkos; Joel Sappell. "Burglaries and Lies Paved a Path to Prison", Los Angeles Times, 1990-06-24. Retrieved on 2006-05-22.
  6. ^ PROJECT STEPMOTHER, SWOT 17 United Kingdom, April 20, 1973 (archived at Operation Clambake)
  7. ^ Charles L. Stafford; Bette Orsini. "Scientology: An in-depth profile of a new force in Clearwater" (PDF, 905K), St. Petersburg Times, 1980-01-09. Original (18M)
  8. ^ The President answers your questions: What is the Guardian’s Office and does it still exist?
  9. ^ Ortega, Tony (Sept. 9, 2001). "Sympathy for the Devil". New Times Los Angeles. Convenience link
  10. ^ John Marshall, Secret Ontario documents found in U.S. cult's files, The Globe and Mail, January 22, 1980.
  11. ^ John Marshall, Cult harassment, spying in Canada documented, The Globe and Mail, January 23, 1980.
  12. ^ Reynolds, W. Richard. "Scientology church on trial in Canada", St. Petersburg Times, 1991-04-23, p. 8.A. Retrieved on 2006-09-05.
  13. ^ Morgan, Lucy. "Abroad: Critics public and private keep pressure on Scientology", St. Petersburg Times, 1999-03-29. Retrieved on 2007-09-07. "Canada's highest court in 1997 upheld the criminal conviction of the Church of Scientology of Toronto and one of its officers for a breach of trust stemming from covert operations in Canadian government offices during the 1970s and 1980s."

[edit] External links

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Internet group declares war on Scientology -

Frame ... tributes to L Ron Hubbard hang inside the Church of Scientology in Sydney / Jeff Darmanin

A NOTORIOUS group of internet users known as "Anonymous" have taken down a Scientology website after declaring war on the church.

Anonymous, whose membership included hackers, has begun a "third wave" of attacks in the week-old operation dubbed “Project Chanology”.

The group has already flooded Scientology servers, preventing access to at least one of the church's websites.

Chief executive of the security firm Alan Phillips told Sky News in the UK that the group may have used a denial of service attack to take the Scientology website out of service.

“It would appear, that in this case, they’ve taken down the website by using a denial of service attack, where they basically fire lots and lots of different bits of information into the one place so… no one else can access it,” Mr Phillips said.

A spokesman for the Church of Scientology told that the church was not the "right target" for these kinds of attacks.

"These types of people have got some wrong information about us," the spokesman said.

The group also claimed to have downloaded many of the church’s “secret documents” – which can now be downloaded from popular file-sharing sites.

Anonymous said their actions will not be restricted to their websites, with protests outside Scientology buildings being organised throughout the US.

Earlier today, a message about a possible attack point on the main Scientology website appeared on a Project Chanology webpage.

“We found the direct IP (Internet Protocol address) to, not protected,” the message said.

Today Anonymous released an updated “Open letter to Scientology”, following its declaration of war last week.

“By now you have certainly become aware of us and our actions,” the statement said.

“We have commenced our assault upon your institution and would like to take this moment to enlighten you.

"We are Anonymous, you might know think of us as merely a hacker group, but we are much more.

“We are the protectors of knowledge, we are the 'internet hate machine'.”

In a message posted on YouTube earlier this week, the group said it was tired of the methods used by the church to stem criticism of Scientology.

The church is famous for vigorously attacking its critics, often taking legal action against them or attempting to undermine their credibility.

“Anonymous has therefore decided your organisation should be destroyed, for the good of your followers, for the good of mankind and for our own enjoyment,” a synthesised voice said in the clip.

“We shall systematically expel you from the internet and proceed to dismantle the Church of Scientology in its current form.”

Watch the video clip:

According to respected technology magazine Wired, Anonymous usually focused on bullying and downloading pirated software and files.

“The group usually amuses itself by stealing passwords to downloading sites and finding ways to harass online communities that its members disdain,” a blog on the website said.

"They were last seen on (Wired security blog) Threat Level when a Los Angeles Fox News affiliate ran a story that hilariously implied the group's arsenal included exploding vans.”

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20 Examples of Unusual eBay Feedback


POSITIVE: Item shipped quickly, have been having erotic dreams about seller. Thanks!

POSITIVE: Thanks for great Rainbow Brite lunchbox. Should shrunken head be inside?

NEUTRAL: Excellent communication, but should've poked holes in box before shipping the kitten. Refunded.

NEGATIVE: Despite indication in listing, I could not fit item into any of my body cavities.

NEGATIVE: Honda R-Type sticker did not add horsepower as advertised.

NEUTRAL: Item shipped promptly and in good condition, but I should not have to bid on birthday presents from my parents.

POSITIVE: I don't really remember what I ordered. But I've been sitting in the box it came in all day, and it's great!

NEGATIVE: Product didn't work, possibly broken. I woke up this morning and was disappointed to find I still believe in Jesus Christ our Savior. :(

POSITIVE: Excellent Buyer. A++++++. Thrilled by the quartz movement of the "Rolex". HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

NEGATIVE: Should have been clearer that seller only accepts payment in Bhats via Eastern Union Moneygram.

POSITIVE: Plain brown packaging seemed to fool my wife. Thanks!

NEGATIVE: The dog won't hunt.

NEGATIVE: Very nice monkey mascot costume, but it's a size 34, not a 63 as advertised.

NEGATIVE: Lederhosen not as pink as the picture led me to believe.

POSITIVE: A+++++. Items are exactly as described. Best case of kalashnikovs I've ever bought. Allah Akbar!

NEGATIVE: This is clearly the ninth, NOT THE SIXTH, repackaging of Mad Super Special #24.

POSITIVE: One of the scents mixed in with the packing peanuts remind me of a passionate weekend in Rio... was that you?

POSITIVE: The way you wrote my zip-code makes me weak in the knees. Such smooth strokes. A+!

NEGATIVE: Though you did nothing wrong, I am giving you this negative feedback to teach you that the universe is arbitrary and unfair.

NEGATIVE: Buying this Space 1999 Lunchbox did not fill the void in my empty life for as long as I'd hoped.

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Marijuana Vending Machines Opening For Business in LA

weedatm.jpgHoly crap, what country is LA in? I mean, last time I was there I was surprised enough at the billboards offering medicinal marijuana cards, but this is insane. Starting on Monday, people who have medical conditions such as glaucoma, cancer, and the deadly not-stoned-enough virus can start getting their fat buds from special "AVMs."

These electronic drug dealers won't be out on the street next to a Pepsi machine, of course. No, they'll be "housed in standalone rooms, abutting two dispensaries and protected by round-the-clock security guards." To use them, you'll need to go with a prescription in hand, get fingerprinted and get a prepaid credit card that's loaded up with your dosage and what strain of weed you want. Yeah, no joke, the pharmacists in LA give you a choice between OG Kush and Granddaddy Purple. In the future, the machines may also be outfitted to sell other popular drugs such as Viagra, Vicodin and Propecia. Combine all four for a really interesting night that'll also slowly grow your hair back!

And here I was thinking New York City was a liberal town. When do we get weed vending machines, Bloomberg? Huh? [Thrillist]

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Anonymous VS Scientology Makes TV News

This is a video response to Message to Scientology

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Toad Purse. She'll Love You Forever [w/pics]

By: Jacinta O’Halloran (Little_personView Profile)

We've all been there - teetering on that big fat line between "unique" and "ugly. Standing at the register, rationalizing that the dry warty skin of that cane toad purse is strong and versatile; the pretty pigskin lining makes it extra durable; those little rubbery legs with fleshy webbed toes make it easy to grab and go; and it's no longer toxic now that those poisonous glands have been removed. We need a "unique" gift. This is unique. And hey, toads are just so darn cute. What we should really be saying to ourselves is "STEP AWAY FROM THE TOAD SKIN PURSE!"

In our attempts to outgift the Jones', we are often incapable of distinguishing right from wrong, good gift from very bad gift. Here's a little refresher course (with 3 examples) for the next time you find yourself in front of a mounted hog thinking "well she does love animals..."


Toad Skin Purse
Available at

Saffiano Patent Shoulder Bag
Available at

Unique does not have to be ugly. With this Pauric Sweeney not-quite-frog-green patent shoulder bag on your arm, the message to the world is definitely "out" of the box. It shows personality and individuality and you won't have to worry about residual poisons...

Now, step away from the Squirrel Decanter! Yes he's so eager looking, standing there on the tray, acorn in hand, eager to unscrew his cap/head to serve you a drink, but please, he belongs in a tree (and I'm not sure where you belong if you're actually considering buying him...)


Squirrel Liquor Decanter
Available at

Gump's Crystal Dragon Barware
Available at Gumps San Francisco

A decanter is indeed a lovely gift, especially the sort that don't require heads to be unscrewed. Gump's San Francisco carries a "unique" (not ugly) Crystal Dragon decanter, which is sand-etched onto masterfully mouthblown clear lead crystal from Hungary.

There you go with the squirrels again! Sure it might be fun to have a squirrel lamp to brighten up your mother's otherwise dull living room , but I wouldn't want to be reaching under that shade to switch it on. Again, unique doesn't have to be ugly.


Squirrel Lamp
Available at

Chameleon Lamps from Philips
Available at

The Chameleon Lamp changes color to match any color you place near it. A traditional bulb provides regular white light, whereas a LED ring around it projects a selected color into the shade. How "unique" is that?

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"As I Was Walking Down the Street [Another] Day..."

1. Cabbage Patch Dolls for the juvenile delinquent.

(Photo by Abra Frankel).

2. Gives a whole, new meaning to the phrase One Stop Shopping.

(Photo by Kim Ripley).

3. Don't sugarcoat it now.

(Photo by Waiting Line).

4. Recommended by 4 out of 5 registered sex offenders.

(Photo by Phil Hollenback).

5. WWJD?

(Photo by Quim-Bee).

6. Good luck with that.

(Photo by Almostincognito).

7. Budget cutbacks, Mayor?

(Photo by Ew Eves).

8. A pothead's wet dream.

(Photo by Tup Wanders).

9. Nice.

(Photo by Lee H.).

10. "And turn off your f-ing cell phone too!"

(Photo by Synecdoche).

11. They blow the competition away!

(Photo by Pdxsurreal).

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More Scientology Secret DOX

You requested OT Ambassador Ideal Org Tool (74.14 MB)
This file has been virus scanned for your protection

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The Ring Pistol [PICS]

Ring pistol

Cylinder pinfire.

Back to "Curios & Antik"

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